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暴跌:印度航线【双语快讯】第131期-听村长说Nosedive: airlines in IndiaAir travellers in India should be careful to book tickets only at the last minute: their airline may not be long

Nosedive: airlines in India

Air travellers in India should be careful to book tickets only at the last minute: their airline may not be long for this world. Profits are plummeting in the industry. Yesterday Jet Airways蔡研, India’s second-largest carrier, announced it had lost 13bn rupees ($189m) in the quarter ending June, after delaying the release of its results by several weeks. It is not the only airline experiencing turbulence. Last month IndiGo, India’s largest airline, announced that quarterly profits fell 97% year-on-year. And Air India, a state-owned carrier and the country’s third-largest, now loses so much money that the government has had to abandon plans to privatise it. Some analysts blame the proliferation of airlines, which are reducing fares to levels where they do not cover costs. Others blame rising fuel costs and politicians’ threats to cap prices, resulting in airlines keeping their fares unsustainably low to avoid regulatory intervention.
印度的航空旅客要小心了,不到最后一刻不要订票:这些航空公司可能不会久存于世了。这个行业的利润直线下降。印度第二大航空公司捷特航空昨日宣布,在截至6月,亏损130亿卢比(合1.89亿美元)周长娟,该公司的财报公布已推迟了数周毕美娜。它并不是唯一一家遭遇业绩下滑的航空公司。上个月汉滨区人民政府 ,印度最大的航空公司IndiGo宣布季度利润同比下降97%。而印度航空公司,一家国有航空公司裴涩琪整容 ,也是该国第三大航空公司夏玉顺 ,现在损失惨重,政府不得不放弃对它的私有化计划。一些分析人士将此归咎于航空公司的激增,这些航空公司将票价压低至成本以下小职员之死 。另一些人指责油价上涨和政客们威胁限制票价春染绣塌 ,导致航空公司将票价维持在不可持续的低水平,以避免监管干预。

第1178讲:韩国真是恨不得全宇宙都是它的。按韩国国家主义者的说法:长白山是韩国的,延边自治州也是韩国的阴约惊魂 。土地自古强者得之,想得到还需有真本事。

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