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精灵旅社——其实最令我难过的,是你不快乐-翘楚翻转式课堂 今天的电影知名度不算特别广,但却是很值得一看的一部电影哦!(⊙o⊙)先放剧照 》 ??


先放剧照 》 》》

现在我正式介绍一下这部影片的名字 ———《精灵旅社》 这部影片分为两部,但是我现在只介绍第一部的剧情,毕竟篇幅有限。
"Elf hotel" tells the story in Transylvania in the most remote a piece of land, is located in a "hotel", is made up of dracula huge, specifically for monsters and their families around the world a happy place can indulge, stay away from the limit of human society, the "frankenstein" franken stein and his bride镰月铃乃, mummy and invisible man, there is a werewolf赤魟鱼 , they are all here to seek asylum to the safe and calm.
Dracula is not just the well-known "prince of darkness", but he is also a father. Dracula protected his daughter, maiev, for fear that she might be hurt a little. He even made up a lot of stories, mostly to describe how terrible and dangerous the outside world was, to try to reassure his daughter's occasional adventure. But when an ordinary man broke into a hostel and liked maiwiss, DE guera realized that his biggest headache was finally inevitable.
【翻译】《精灵旅社》讲述了在特兰西瓦尼亚异常偏远的一片地界里张芳奕 ,坐落着一家“精灵旅社”,是由吸血鬼德古拉斥巨资专门打造的裘丹莉 ,为全世界的怪物以及他们的家人提供了一个可以纵情欢乐的场所,暂时远离人类社会的限制,“科学怪人”弗兰肯·斯坦和他的新娘、木乃伊以及隐形人,还有狼人一家,他们都在这里寻求到了安全的庇护和平静。
德古拉可不仅仅是那个众所周知的“黑暗王子”重生恒星,他同时也是一位父亲。德古拉对他的女儿梅维丝进行各种保护,唯恐她受到一丁点的伤害。他甚至还编造了很多故事,大多都是为了描述外面的世界有多么地可怕和危险的心语星愿歌词 ,想以此来打消女儿时不时出现的冒险精神。但是,当一个普通的人类不小心闯进了旅社,而且还喜欢上了梅维丝之后,德古拉意识到让他最头疼的问题终于还是不可避免的降临了。

I was most impressed by the passage蒋春暄, and she had a wonderful birthday party for his daughter, but she was not happy. Because what the daughter wants is not such a "gift".
Dracula loves his daughter, and from all sorts of film clips can see come out,陈子湄 but dracula wrong wrong in his way, he is afraid of losing her daughter, so a good name is to "protect the daughter," but don't know have imprisoned his daughter in his castle, so she would more want to be free.
Dracula is the epitome of most parents actually, actually the starting point is "love", but I don't know what children really want, as dracula said: "I just want you happy." But why not happiness农女阿喜 , but he did not know that daughter fortunately film is a happy ending, but small make up also hope both parents, or even children, after watching the film, are more or less understand each other.
德古拉很爱他的女儿,从影片的各种片段都可以看的出来,但德古拉错在他的方式错了利云卡盟 ,他害怕失去女儿,于是美名为“保护女儿”,却不知已经把女儿囚禁在了自己的城堡中,所以女儿才会更加想要自由。
其实德古拉就是大部分父母的缩影,其实出发点都是“爱",但却不知道孩子真正想要的是什么阿秋秋 ,正如德古拉所说的:“我只想要你快乐。”但是他却不知道女儿为什么不快乐,所幸的是影片个是happy ending,但是小编也希望不管是为人父母,还是为人子女,看了这部电影后,都或多或少理解一下彼此大和田南那 。
最后就是干货了 》》 》
1.I always thought the worst thing was that you left me and what really upset me was that you weren't happy.
2. I have become like you, without a dream.
3.Once in a lifetime, there will be a crush.
ps: 因为能找到的原版台词比较少,所以我补充了一些英文俗语,如下:
It is never too old to learn.
【翻译】活到老,学到老舞动人生3 。
2.No cross, no crown.
3.He that climbs high falls heavily.
4.Don't teach your grandmother to suck eggs.
OK洪立熙 ,这一期就到这里了,我们下次再见吧,祝大家寒假快乐!!!
但是在放松的同时金智恩 ,也不要忘记学习哦!

最后还请多多关注我们哦~ 戳下方 》 》 》
