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盘点“不去会后悔,去了更后悔”的世界著名景点姜动 ,你去过几个?-知行翻译订阅号不识枕边人 全球语言解决方案服务商知行翻译,帮您更方便地??

盘点“不去会后悔,去了更后悔”的世界著名景点姜动 ,你去过几个?-知行翻译订阅号不识枕边人

“难道这就是巨石阵?怎么是这样的,比想象中的也小太多了吧!真让人失望透顶!”这是同事阿志不远万里飞到英国,看到巨石阵时,说的第一句话。It looks huge, seismic曾子馀 , a timeless temple assembled by the hands of neolithic giants. It is only when you see it in person - or when a load of Summer Solstice revellersare allowed to go goo-goo for the sun in the middle of the main circle - that you realise those colossal slabs are not quite as colossal as you might think. Each standing stone measures 13ft (4.1m) - roughly the combined height of two averagely tall men. Impressive but not gargantuan.
它看上去高大而富有震撼力,就像是新石器时代的巨人们用双手搭建起来的超越时间的庙堂冥婚凄谈。只有当你自己亲眼见到,或者一群夏至狂欢者们齐聚在巨石阵中看日出时,你才会意识到这些石柱并没有你想象的那么大。每根石柱高13英尺(4.1米),约等于两个高个子男性的身高之和名福妻实 。令人印象深刻,但还不足以让人惊叹。
their thousands to this celebrated statue, which sits on the Langelinie promenade in Copenhagen. A representation of the titular heroine of one of Hans Christian Andersen's most affecting fairytales东坑白毛鸡 , she sits a reasonable walk - about two miles - from the centre of town温瑞安群侠传 , but many visitors still make the hike in search of her.
成千上万的游客蜂拥去观看这个坐落在哥本哈根长堤公园步行道上的著名雕像。这座雕像代表着安徒生最感人的童话故事《小美人鱼》中的女主人公悠悠通讯 。雕像离市中心不远也不近,大概两英里,但很多游客都徒步寻找到了她。
It is only when they arrive that they realise the mermaid really is little. Specifically, she is about 4.1ft (1.25m) in "height". Better hope your camera has a decent zoom feature.
只有在到达以后魔法少女沙枝 ,这些游客才意识到小美人鱼雕像真的很小。具体而言,她的“身高”是4.1英尺(1.25米)。你最好能有个变焦功能不错的相机。
Iceland can be complete without a dip in this well-named attraction about 25 miles outside Reykjavik. With good reason. The water is indeed blue (or appears to be). It is also warm. People bathe in its soothing heat and feel happy - seemingly ensconced in a steaming inland ocean.
It is only when you see a wider photo of the lagoon that you realise it is a) not huge and b) an off-shoot of the adjacent Svartsengi geothermal power plant.
当你看到蓝色礁湖的全景图时,你会意识到:第一汪正正身高 ,这个湖不大,第二重生之星光路 ,它只是附近的史瓦特森吉地热发电厂的衍生物。
所以,当你决定去世界著名景点旅游时,一定要有平常心至尊女王爷,不然,你可能会陷入“不去会后悔,去了更后悔”的怪圈。因为有些如雷贯耳的景点印乔镇 ,并没有你想象的那么好箱体理论 ,如果你抱了太大期望,那么失望就会剧增,平常心,挺好的!