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暑期豪华欧洲行程:荷兰和比利时12天深度游,国英双语导游-myjames 导读暑期超级豪华行程来了!欧洲深度游荷兰和比利时,全程入住万豪酒店,万丽酒


我是一位资深的环球旅行家和旅行策划专家,预定我们的旅游套餐或者邮轮套餐,除了价格更低袖手尘嚣 ,我会全程协助预定机票和其他行程,更加超值的是:酒店或者邮轮上有我们的客服人员跟船随行/入住酒店提供贵宾专属服务和支持,安排派对聚会等等额外活动!行程安排
Day 1Arrive at Amsterdam Schiphol Airport and meet our representative at the arrival terminal.Transfer to the hotel at 8 a.m., 1 p.m., 3 p.m. or 5 p.m.Check into The Hague Marriott Hotel at any time after 3 p.m.9 a.m. – 6 p.m.: Visit the welcome table in the hotel lobby.7 p.m.: Welcome dinner featuring an international buffet at The Gallery restaurant at the hotel; includes 2 hours of unlimited drinks.Overnight at The Hague Marriott hotel.

Day 26:30-8:45 a.m.: Continental buffet breakfast at The Gallery.9 a.m. – 8 p.m.: Full-day tour of The Hague and Scheveningen; includes lunch, dinner, transportation and gratuities.?9 a.m.: Pickup from the hotel.?10 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.: Panoramic royal tour in The Hague by coach with English- and Mandarin-speaking guides. See the various palaces, royal stables, embassy area, Peace Palace and Scheveningen area.?12:30-1:30 p.m.: International set-menu lunch at Restaurant de Dagvisser; includes 2 drinks.?2-3:30 p.m.: Visit the Mauritshuis Museum.?3:30-4 p.m.: Visit the famous Haringkraam Buitenhof herring stand.?4-5:30 p.m.: Time at your leisure.?6-7:30 p.m.: Asian-style buffet dinner at Rosarium Wokrestaurant; includes 2 drinks.弹跳哥 ?8 p.m.: Transfer from the restaurant to the hotel.Overnight at The Hague Marriott Hotel.Day 36:30-8:45 a.m.: Continental buffet breakfast at The Gallery.9 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.: Full-day excursion to Madurodam and Delft; includes lunch, transportation and gratuities.?9 a.m.: Pickup from the hotel.?10-11:30 a.m.: Visit to Madurodam.佐伯春菜 ?Noon – 1 p.m.: Traditional set-menu lunch at Paviljoen Malieveld; includes 1 drink.?1 p.m.: Transfer to Delft.?1:30-2:30 p.m.: Visit Royal Delft; includes tile workshop, decorative plate workshop and vases workshop.?5:30 p.m.: Transfer to the hotel.The evening at your leisure.Dinner is at your own expense.Overnight at The Hague Marriott Hotel.Day 46:30-8:45 a.m.: Continental buffet breakfast at The Gallery.Check out of The Hague Marriott Hotel.9 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.: Full-day excursion to Bruges with transfer to Brussels; includes transportation and gratuities.?9 a.m.: Pickup from the hotel for transfer to Bruges.?Noon: Arrive in Bruges.?Noon – 1 p.m.: Lunch on your own arrangement in Bruges.陆琳琅?1-3 p.m.: Bruges city tour with 2 Mandarin-speaking guides.?3-4 p.m.: Visit to De Halve Maan Brewery; includes 1 glass of beer.Guests under the age of 18 years will not be served alcohol.?4 p.m.: Transfer to Brussels.5:30 p.m.: Check into Courtyardby Marriott Brussels.7-8:30 p.m.: 3-course, chef’s menu dinner at the hotel's Zinc Brasserie restaurant; includes 1 hour of unlimited drinks.Overnight at Courtyard by Marriott Brussels.

Day 56:30-8:45 a.m.: International buffet breakfast at Zinc Brasserie.9 a.m. – 5 p.m.: Full-day tour of Brussels; includes lunch, transportation and gratuities.?9 a.m.: Pickup from the hotel.?10 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.: Brussels city tour with 2 Mandarin-speaking guides. Includes Brussels waffle.?12:30-1:45 p.m.: International set-menu lunch at La Rose Blanche restaurant; includes 2 drinks.?2-3 p.m.: Visit Choco-Story, the Chocolate Museum.?3-4:30 p.m.: Time at your leisure.?5 p.m.: Return to the hotel.The evening at your leisure.Dinner is at your own expense.Overnight at Courtyard by Marriott Brussels.

Day 6
6:30-8:45 a.m.: International buffet breakfast at Zinc Brasserie.9 a.m. – 4 p.m.: Full-day tour of Ghent; includes lunch, transportation and gratuities.?9 a.m.: Pickup from the hotel.?10-11:15 a.m.: Ghent city tour with 2 Mandarin-speaking guides.?11:15 a.m. – 12:05 p.m.: Ghent boat cruise.?12:30-2:30 p.m.: International set-menu lunch at Chez Leontine restaurant; includes 2 drinks.?2:30-3:30 p.m.: Visit St. Bavo’s Cathedral (Sint-Baafskathedraal).?4 p.m.: Transfer to the hotel.The evening at your leisure.Dinner is at your own expense.Overnight at Courtyard by Marriott Brussels.Day 76:30-10:30 a.m.: International buffet breakfast at Zinc Brasserie.A day at your leisure.Overnight at Courtyard by Marriott Brussels.
Day 7: Half-day Brussels Platinum tour; includes transportation and lunch.?9 a.m.: Pickup from the hotel for a half-day Brussels tour.?9:30 a.m. – noon: Visit a Brussels chocolatier’s atelier (design workshop); includes tasting.?Noon – 2 p.m.: Set-menu lunch at local restaurant; includes 2 drinks.?2:15 p.m.: Transfer back to the hotel.

Day 86:30-8:45 a.m.: International buffet breakfast at Zinc Brasserie.Check out of Courtyard by Marriott Brussels.9 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.: Tour of Antwerp and transfer to Amsterdam; includes lunch, transportation and gratuities.?9 a.m.: Pickup from the hotel.?10 a.m. – noon: Antwerp city tour with 2 Mandarin-speaking guides.?Noon – 2 p.m.: Seasonal set-menu lunch at De Groote Witte Arend restaurant; includes 2 drinks.?2:30 p.m.: Transfer to Amsterdam.?4:30 p.m.: Check into RenaissanceAmsterdam Hotel.7-8:30 p.m.: 3-course dinner at the hotel’s Koepelcafe restaurant; includes drinks.Overnight at Renaissance Amsterdam Hotel.
Day 96:30-8:45 a.m.: International buffet breakfast at Koepelcafe.9 a.m. – 7:30 p.m.: Full-day tour of Amsterdam; includes lunch, dinner, canal cruise, transportation and gratuities.?9 a.m.: Depart from the hotel.?10-11 a.m.: Amsterdam city sightseeing.?11:15 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.: Amsterdam canal cruise.?12:30-2:30 p.m.: International buffet lunch at Dubbel Restaurant; includes 2 drinks.?2:30-5:15 p.m.: Time at your leisure.?5:30-7 p.m.: Asian-style, set-menu dinner at Sea Palace restaurant; includes 2 drinks.?7:30 p.m.: Return to the hotel.The rest of the evening at your leisure.Overnight at Renaissance Amsterdam Hotel.Day 10
6:30-8:45 a.m.: International buffet breakfast at Koepelcafe.9 a.m. – 7:30 p.m.: Full-day tour of Amsterdam; includes lunch, dinner, entrance at the A’dam tower, Heineken brewery and Rijksmuseum, transportation and gratuities.?9 a.m.: Pickup from the hotel.?10:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.: Visit the Rijksmuseum.?12:30-1:45 p.m.: International, set-menu lunch at Brasserie Keyzer restaurant; includes 2 drinks.?2-3 p.m.: Visit A’dam Tower.李爱加 ?3:30-5 p.m.: Visit Heineken brewery.Dutch law prohibits serving alcohol to guests under the age of 18.?5:30-7 p.m.: Asian-style大唐顺宗, set-menu dinner at FuLu Mandarijn Amsterdam restaurant; includes 2 drinks.?7:30 p.m.: Return to the hotel.The rest of the evening at your leisure.Overnight at Renaissance Amsterdam Hotel.Day 116:30-8:45 a.m.: International buffet breakfast at Koepelcafe.9 a.m. – 8 p.m.: Full-day tour of Giethoorn; includes lunch, dinner, transportation, boat trip and gratuities.?9 a.m.: Pickup from the hotel and transfer to Giethoorn.?Noon – 1 p.m.: Boat trip through the Giethoorn canals.?1-3 p.m.: 3-course lunch at Hollands Venetie restaurant; includes 2 drinks.?3-4 p.m.: Time at your leisure in Giethoorn.?6-7:30 p.m.: 3-course farewell dinner at Brasserie Paardenburg; includes 2 hours of free-flowing drinks.?8 p.m.: Return to the hotel.The rest of the evening at your leisure.Overnight at Renaissance Amsterdam Hotel.Day 126:30-10:30 a.m.: International buffet breakfast at Koepelcafe.The morning at your leisure until checkout and your flight.Check out of the hotel by noon.Transfer to the airport by shuttle bus at 8 a.m., 1 p.m., 3 p.m. or 5 p.m.Itinerary subject to change.
The Hague Marriott Hotel海牙万豪酒店

Courtyard?by Marriott Brussels布鲁塞尔万怡酒店

Renaissance Amsterdam Hotel 阿姆斯特丹万丽酒店


? 12天11夜(含税)
? 全天荷兰海牙和申根之行,含接送,税,小费
? 全天荷兰马德罗丹小人国全天海牙和代尔夫特之行,含接送,税,小费
? 全天布鲁日之行,含接送,税,小费
? 全天布鲁塞尔之行,含接送,税,小费
? 全天根特之行,含接送,税,小费
? 全天安特卫普之行,含接送,税,小费
? 全天根特之行,含接送,税,小费
? 全天阿姆斯特丹之行刘达明 ,含接送,游船,税,小费
? 全天阿姆斯特丹之行茉莉兔兔 ,含接送,阿姆斯特丹塔,Heineken酿酒厂,国立博物馆税,小费
? 全天羊角村之行,含接送,税,小费
? 白金会员加送半天布鲁塞尔白金之旅和午餐
? 国语和英语导游
? 11天早餐 8天午餐 7天晚餐
? 机场接送
? 精美礼品
? 白金会员机场接送
? 本行程将搭配当地支持队员孙菲菲被打 。他们的目标是确保从着陆抵达到登机起返您都有一个美好的体验卢蒽洁。他们会在团员抵达当天举办一场迎宾招待会,参与旅程中的有关活动、通知团员行程的更动等。

大家可以上网搜索,做大量的功课编制功略,也可以让我来帮你,可以省下很多的精力和时间!祥林嫂之死 一次旅行牵涉到大量的细节。一位优秀的旅行策划专家,会让你事半功倍,玩得开心,玩得省心省钱。我就是这样的专业人士。

追求梦想的过程并不容易,作为一名刚毕业什么都没有的学生释延武 ,我经历了办理一份护照的波折,更经历了90年代办理发达国家签证的艰辛,也许是我眼中的坚毅和对梦想追求的眼神打动了签证官,我不可思议的拿到了欧美澳新等国家的签证。
在上世纪互联网并不发达的年代,背包周游世界是一件很有挑战性的事情,当时中国众多媒体做了报道,如旅行家杂志,旅游杂志,上海电台,东方电台,青年报,温州晚报等等于晓晞 。上面的照片曾经被登在一些媒体头版头条。

我爱交朋友,热爱策划和组织活动,在上海的时候曾经组织三十多辆车,七十多人多人集体自驾旅游,上海电视台跟踪报道。下图最后一排第二位那一位挥手的英俊少年就是多年前滴我刁蛮痞妃 。

在加拿大,颜月溪我为华人社区组织无数次活动:旅游,聚餐,Hiking,团购,派对,唱歌,看电影,看星星何丽玲 。。。 义工事迹在加拿大星岛日报做过报道。

这是八年前,我为社区义务组织旅行活动,大家对我的点赞我的女皇上司 。



我策划的旅行,我会精心准备大量攻略,凝聚了我从十几年前开始周游世界的经验,渊博的知识面,高超的网络电脑技术,机票和景区特价搜索技能,贴心安排的社区义工服务精神林艺莹 ,预定后大量精心的后继服务,丰富带团经验。

