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暖心超级地球分身 !给生病的孩子们带来快乐的超级英雄-BBC英语Who is there? Superman!那是谁?超人!We’ve been doing the superhero costumes for about five years now. We

暖心超级地球分身 !给生病的孩子们带来快乐的超级英雄-BBC英语

Who is there? Superman!
那是谁?超人!We’ve been doing the superhero costumes for about five years now. We just thought it would be great for the kids.我们已经扮演超级英雄五年了。我们只是觉得,对于孩子们来说,这一定很棒。By them seeing the superheroes and see like the sense of invincibility they’ve got,如果孩子们看到了超级英雄,感受到了英雄身上所向披靡的气魄曹植聪慧,
they go into their procedures and operations with just a more positive attitude.那么他们就能以一种更积极的态度面对他们的治疗和手术。

Ever since he was a baby he’s climbed. He’s always wanted to come to work with me. Yeah, no I couldn’t stay on the ground.在他还是个小娃娃的时候,就爱攀爬金庆皓。他总想着和我一起工作。是的超级掌柜,我就是不能呆在地面上。Matthew loved dressing up as Spider-Man and I just remembered what it was like for him.马修喜欢打扮成蜘蛛侠,我只记得他的样子。If he had been in hospital at the time and he had seen that going past it would have made his day.对于一个呆在医院的孩子来说邪皇傻后,看到超级英雄从那里经过,一定会让他感到非常开心虫皇主宰 。曾国犹

Kashyani is here for his surgery today and he was feeling very nervous but he’s feeling a bit more relaxed now Kashyani今天要接受手术,刚开始他感到非常紧张,但现在已经轻松多了断刺演员表 。that’s he’s seen Spider-Man, isn’t it Kashyani. Kind of break the ice a bit.因为他看到了蜘蛛侠。是不是呀,Kashyani进货通 。一定程度上打破了僵局。
He was very premature because he was born at 28 weeks. So Kashyani was then referred for further treatments under the care of Evelina.他是个28周的早产儿。因此Kashyani需要在Evelina的照顾下进行后续治疗。He goes in every 6 months. Kashyani always say “Oh be brave mum”. “I’ll be brave.” You’re a brave little boy. I know.他每隔6周去一趟医院卢本娟 。Kashyani总是说“妈妈,勇敢点法恩莎官网 读档人生 。”“我会更坚强的饮食奇趣录 。”“你真是个勇敢的小男孩殷亦晴。”“当然啦张家嘉 。”Just to see the smile on Kashyani’s face is priceless. It was really amazing to see Spider-Man today.仅仅是看到Kashyani脸上的笑容都是无价的艾薇微 。今天能看到蜘蛛侠真是太让人惊喜了丑女七嫁 。

We just try to take their minds off it more than anything. A lot of them are terminally ill, all sorts, all sorts of operations.我们只是尝试将他们的注意力转移到别的地方去。这里面有许多孩子身患绝症,他们要面对各种各样的手术。If they just forget the situation they’re in then that’s. Job done.如果他们能忘掉自己现在的处境康熙四妃,那么仝正国 ,我们的工作就完成了。Just seeing the joy on their faces you just know you’ve made their day, its special, it’s a really nice feeling.仅仅是看着他们脸上开心的表情,你就能知道自己给他们带去了快乐。这很独特。也是很棒的感受嗜血狂犬。

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