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打太极能缓解抑郁-Grace的英文学堂搞笑大唐 最新研究表明,打太极拳能帮助对抗抑郁。Taking part in Tai Chi could help to combat depression, new research claims.参加这


Taking part in Tai Chi could help to combat depression, new research claims.
Going to classes in the ancient Chinese martial art for 12 weeks significantly reduced symptoms of the blues.
一项小型研究显示史小诺老公 ,太极拳练习可用于独立治疗,也就是说患者无需服用抗抑郁药物沈漫雨。
It can work independently of treatment, suggesting it can scupper the need for an antidepressant prescriptionhp之严白 , the small study shows.
从全世界范围来看,抑郁症的发病率不断上升,药物和各种治疗经常证明无效樊奇杭 ,而这一研究发现给人们带来了希望。
The findings hold promise amid soaring rates of depression worldwide, with drugs and therapy often proving ineffective.
太极拳能让人在运动中冥想,已有超过1000年历史麻永东 ,它将深呼吸和缓慢温和的运动结合起来。
The meditative practice, which has been used for more than 1,000 years, combines deep breathing and slow and gentle movements.
麻省综合医院的研究人员招募了50名美籍华人参与了这项研究金基利 。
Researchers at the Massachusetts General Hospital enrolled 50 Chinese-American participants for the study.
所有的志愿者都有轻度到中度抑郁张春旺 ,而且受试时未接受任何其他形式的抑郁治疗。
All of the volunteers had mild to moderate depression and were not receiving any other forms of treatment at the time.
他们被随机分为三组。第一组参加太极拳练习,第二组接受教育治疗赖国传 ,第三组是实验对照组。
They were placed at random in three groups. The first took part in Tai Chi招聘狗 , a second received educational therapy and the third was a control group.
太极拳练习组的成员学习了基本的太极拳动作斯卡堡集市 ,并按照要求每周练习三次。
Those given Tai Chi were taught basic traditional movements and asked to practice three times a week.
All 17 volunteers in the martial art reported significantly greater improvement in depression symptoms than the other two groups.
研究报告称王府逃生记 ,半年后的跟踪评估显示,受试者的抑郁症状得到持续改善。这份研究报告发表在《临床神经病学杂志》上。
Follow up assessment after six months showed sustained improvement, the report published in the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry states.
Lead author Professor Albert Yeung said if the findings are confirmed in other trials, it could be used as a primary treatment.
While he said that the results of the study were important due to many adults of Chinese American ethnicity deciding not to seek help with depression.

Professor Yeung added: 'Finding Tai Chi can be effective is particularly significant because it is culturally accepted by this group of patients who tend to avoid conventional psychiatric treatment.'
Previous research has shown Tai Chi makes the brain bigger and improves memory and thinking - possibly delaying the onset of dementia.
The devastating neurological condition is associated with increasing shrinkage of the brain千城破 ,金恩荣 as nerve cells and their connections are gradually lost.
练习太极拳还可以降低血压戴秉国简历 ,缓解癌症、心力衰竭、骨关节炎和慢性阻塞性肺病的症状。美女明星
Tai Chi has also been linked with reducing high blood pressure and relieving symptoms of cancer全职斗神 , heart failure, osteoarthritis and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).
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