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暑期来临,警惕“自拍死”替嫁傻妾 !张韶轩-于彼得Selfie deathSelfie,自拍贝鲁梅伯。在哪个国家玩自拍最危险?答:印度。 近日美国和印度学者共同??

暑期来临,警惕“自拍死”替嫁傻妾 !张韶轩-于彼得
Selfie death
Selfie,自拍贝鲁梅伯。在哪个国家玩自拍最危险?答:印度。 近日美国和印度学者共同调查发现,2014年3月至2016年9月,在127例selfie death,自拍死案件中有76例出自印度,占比高达60%。而具体到印度城市,靠海的孟买则是出事最多武魂重生。由于兹事体大康同璧,目前孟买警方甚至考虑在市内指定15个特别危险的景点为“非自拍点”。孟买警务处表示魔法少女沙枝 ,涨潮时,警方在自拍点部署了护卫警力。当天气状况恶劣时,他们要求群众不得靠近海域进行selfie林惠嘉 ,自拍。我就在想,这孟买的海浪得多大才会导致“自拍变自杀”呢?

India has had the highest number of selfie-related deaths according to new research.
A study found that between March 2014 and September 2016, 60 percent of all “selfie deaths”, where a person dies while trying to take a picture of themselves, occurred in India.
It’s such a big issue, Mumbai police are even considering a proposal to designate 15 particularly dangerous sites in the city as 'selfiefree points'释德朝 , reported The Times of India.

After a 17-year-old girl died at Marine Drive while trying to take a selfie with her friends on 28 June, police tweeted out a warning message.
6月28日刘立福 ,一名17岁女孩因与其同伴在孟买海滨大道自拍不幸身亡后,孟买警方在推特上发出一条警告信息。
Priti Pise drowned when a wave crashed onto the parapet and dragged her out to sea. Other selfie-related deaths in recent years have included engineering student Meenakshi Rajesh, 21, who slipped and drowned at Bandra Bandstand in May 2017 while taking a photo with her sister and mother.
Deputy Commissioner of Police, Paramjeet Dahiya, told The Times of India: “We deploy bandobast [police protection] at selfie points when the tide is high. When the weather is rough, we request people not to go near the sea to take selfies.

今天的关键词放在drown的身上。drown [dra?n]:淹死,浸没。在夏天,我们会经常看到新闻秦歌一曲,说在某公园或者泳池someone has drowned.(某人被淹死了粘仕杰 。) 又或者南方出现暴雨,The flood drowned all the cattle.(洪水把所有的牛都淹死了。)
所以大家一定要记住,drown本身就是“死神”特派员,不要画蛇添足,说什么drown to death。零分曹津歌 !! 另外,a drowned man 和a drowning man 有着本质的不同。前者肯定指已经淹死的人狂龙一声笑,而后者则指正在溺水或者将被淹死的人。

大家还记得一个动画片《九色鹿》吗? 这位抓蛇人财迷心窍义无反顾造句 ,设计“溺水被救”的抓捕戏码。第一次,he`s is a drowning man,罗霸道 九色鹿救了他徐熙蕾 。正所谓恶有恶报,最后he`s is a drowned man。希望颜值王举的这个例子91公分之外 ,大家可以更好地理解两者的区别天鹅索套。
不好兰启荣 ,似乎暴露了年龄!

总之,还要牢记古代先贤的名言名句:NO ZUO NO DIE!!!