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教师节,那些不可不知的英语……-外研社K12 教师节我们年年都在庆祝,有多少人知道它的历史渊源?事实上不良尤物,教师节的历史要追溯到汉朝。据


教师节我们年年都在庆祝,有多少人知道它的历史渊源?事实上不良尤物,教师节的历史要追溯到汉朝。据史料记载,在汉(公元前206年到公元220年)、金(公元1115到1234年)时代,每年农历八月二十七李纳斯,即孔子诞辰日这天,皇帝要率领文武官员去祭拜孔庙,池早早 还要设宴邀请皇家的老师入宫福田雷沃挖掘机 夏一可照片。看到皇帝在这天祭孔、请老师吃饭,各地官府也纷纷效仿,“置休经师,授束修(干肉)”。

The history of Teacher’s Day traces back to the Han Dynasty . According to record, during the Han(206 BC-AD 220) and Jin (1115-1234) dynasties, on August 27 each year江山若卿, the birthday of Confucius, the emperor would go to Confucius’ temple and pay tribute to the ancient philosopher followed by court officials董迅 , and would also invite royal teachers to the imperial court for a banquet. Local officials followed the court翁嘉穗 , and on this day薛济萍, teachers around the nation enjoyed a day’s vacation and were given dried meat as gifts.
如何才能成为一位好老师?有人说要有耐心,有人说要有童心,而在一节特别火的TED视频中欢乐元帅前传 ,一位有着40年教龄的明星老师Rita Pierson一针见血地指出了教师建立起与学生之间良好关系的重要性。
我们知道孩子们为什么学不下去。 原因无非是贫穷,低出席率复乐班 , 同龄人的坏影响。我们知道为什么。但是我们从未讨论或者极少讨论的是人和人之间的那种联系的价值和重要性金橘花 ,这就是“关系”。
We know why kids don't learn. It's either poverty, low attendance, negative peer influences. We know why. But one of the things that we never discuss or we rarely discuss is the value and importance of human connection王府逃生记 , relationships.
James Comer (美国著名儿童精神科医师)说过:没有强有力的联系军情时间到,学习就不会有显著的进步。 George Washington Carver(美国著名教育学家)也说过: 学习就是理解各种关系。
James Comer says that no significant learning can occur without a significant relationship. George Washington Carver says all learning is understanding relationships.
Rita Pierson还给了学生一个口号:
我是个人物。我来的时候是个人物。我毕业的时候会变成一个更好的人物。我很有力,很强大丁小邦 。我值得在这里受教育。我有很多事情要做,我要让人们记住我,我要去很多地方沈思倩 。
I am somebody. I was somebody when I came. I'll be a better somebody when I leave. I am powerful, and I am strong. I deserve the education that I get here. I have things to do, people to impress黄晟晟 , and places to go.
Rita Pierson最后向大家呼吁:

Every child deserves a champion: an adult who will never give up on them雷子枫, who understands the power of connectionand insists they become the best they can possibly be.

Our beloved teacher武魂重生, you are the spring shower that moistens our hearts. The love and care you have given us will encourage us to go through a long and arduous journey.

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